Insurance Claims

Insurance Claim SpecialistsNavigating the insurance claim process is not what most people think of as a pleasant experience.

That’s because there are a number of variables that affect the outcome and the benefits you receive. Although some choose to manage this process without the assistance of a roofing professional, in our experience, this very rarely turns out favorably for the homeowner.

Think your roof might or should be covered by insurance? We can help.

Assessing the condition of your roof is the first step. When we’re on your roof, we know what to look for. We won’t waste your time. There’s no reason to contact your insurance company if you don’t have a claim. If we think you have a covered loss, we’ll take pictures and review them with you so you know exactly why we are making our recommendation.

If it makes sense to file a claim, here’s what the process looks like…

  1. Provide your roofing salesman with the Insurance Agent’s name and telephone number and the insurance policy number. We will attempt to file the claim in your behalf. This works most of the time but some insurance companies prefer the homeowner file the claim directly.
  2. Ask the agent to have the adjuster make an appointment to inspect the roof. The adjuster usually looks at your roof within 5 – 7 days after filing the claim.
  3. The insurance adjuster will call you to make an appointment. Be sure to get the adjuster’s name and telephone number. Go ahead and set the appointment and then contact your roofing salesman to give him the time and date and adjuster’s name and telephone number.
  4. If the roof is approved, the homeowner will receive a check for an estimated 50% of the claim. If you have a mortgage on your home, the first check will be made out to the homeowner and the mortgage company. Contact your mortgage company and ask for the Insurance Department or the Loss Draft Department for details on their process to get the first check endorsed. DO NOT sign the check until it comes back from the mortgage company, just in case the check gets lost in the mail.
Sound complicated? Don’t worry. We’ll walk you through each step of the process, and answer any questions you may have. Click here to view answers to some of the most commonly-asked questions.
Give us a call today at: 281-980-7800. Even if you’ve already contacted your insurance company, we can help!